🎅🎄OPEN DAYS: SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 9am - 2pm - 🔔No Appt Nec 🎄🎅

We are working with Seville Veterinary Clinic and consider ourselves lucky to be visited weekly by Dr. Matt at the homestead. Below you will see our scheduled health checks and testing, but of course those are not the only times our doggies see a vet.

DNA Testing

We have 10 years of experience in the field of DNA-testing and conscious breeding, continuously striving to improve our protocols as new technologies and tests become available. We are currently using Orivet's Full Breed Profile to DNA test our dogs breed specifiaclly and therefore minimise the risk of genetically inflicted health issues.

"Orivet's Full Breed Profiles (FBPs) are breed specific genetic screens for diseases & traits that are relevant to each breed. Our customised panels select from over 240 genetic tests that have been scientifically validated(published) for the breed listed. All FBPs include a DNA Profile (genetic fingerprint) which allows you to verify matings." - Orivet

Heart Testing

Cavalier Kings Charles are more prone than other breeds to develop heart issues, which as conscientious breeders we are endeavouring to breed out. To that end all our stud boys and the majority of our girls have been tested by the Cardiologist Richard Wooley and passed the Cardiac Examination.

Mating Suitability Examination

To see if our female girls are fit and healthy enough to breed, they undergo a Annual Health Check. Additionally there is a Pre-Mating Health Check examination prior to each mating to clear the girls to be suitable for breeding.

Puppies Health Checks

Preventative worming treatment is given by our staff every 2 weeks and Flea and Tick treatment is given at 8 weeks. We use Dorontal, Advocate and Virbac in alternation to ensure it's efficiency and that they don't become resistant.
At 6 weeks a puppy receives their microchip, a thorough 12 Point Health Check and their first vaccination at the vet.he second is due 4 weeks later and in a further 4 weeks the third and final vaccination is given. Your Pup will be up to date with their vaccinations in relation to their age. We will give you the Vaccination certificate and show you when and if there are any more vaccinations necessary.
It is not recommended that you expose your Pup to beaches, dog parks or any area where unvaccinated dogs could wander, until after the third vaccination